
blog2 Summarizing "I Know the Truth".

I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts

According to jeffrey Kluger in the article "I Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts." people are easily duped by rumors and lies. At Ohio State University make anexperiment that "how sticky and what it takes to free people from believing them." There are 750 believe at least one rumors, and then tell them facts to change their opinions. Garret and Nisbet have two diffcult conclusions, first, give insinuating pictures or inflammatory quotes to control people's belief. Sceond, even havebest environment, also have one person to reverse his positions and contradictory evidence. Although people take to learn the facts, the effort doesn't must to be good. Some people are ego, they don't like to admit they are wrong, but some investigators are consider.

