According to Kallen Lasn in "Hype" advertisements are harmful to people's mind. Everyday, we listen, watch, hear, and read more advertisements, and everywhere, we also can find them. The advertisements live around us, and we haven't any way to escape from it. Therefore, we don't too care the advertisements.We live in the high technology world, we can look at advertisements in anywhere. Such as we can read more advertisements in newspaper, wiapper, and internet. We also look at big brands in building, road, and subway. Kallen Lasn also said:"Every day an estimated 12 bullion display ads, 3 million radio commercials and more than 200,000 TV commercials are dumpd into North America's collective unconscious." Therefor, there are more and more advertisements. If we will remember both, I believe our mind will explode. But if we don't look at them, we will leave the society pathway. So, people don't painstakingly to remember them because there are too much.
When we look at more and more ads, we will begin to be affected. Some people think more ads are good for people because they give people impetus. In order to their object, they should hard to work. Some people think more ads are bad for people because they give more enticements that make people forget themselves abilities. For example, I know a girl, she is beartiful, but she also is avaricious. When she looked the ads, she always thought that she wanted them, but she hadn't any ablity to get them. At last, she went to be a prostitute to come true her wishing. Therefor people should know themselves abilities to get something, and don't because like or want to change the pronciple.
In conclusion, although small ads are not worth mentioning, when they become too much, they also harm people. In the world that ads live in our lives, we should learn how to keep our mind to clear.